colour in changing daylight exhibition


  • Material: clay, metal, various
  • Dimensions: Various
  • Commission: Netherlands Architecture Institute
  • Production: Jongeriuslab
  • Category: Exhibition
  • Collection: FNAC – Fonds National d`Art Contemporain

The project ‘colour in changing daylight’ is an installation which documents the optical change in a clay ball’s colour appearance, between the hours of 8:00am and 17:30 on a day in late June 2011. The colours of the clay balls were made by varying amounts of blue, yellow and red to create various colour temperatures.
Again and again Jongerius successfully addresses the significance of colours and surfaces in contemporary design in her textiles and ceramic works and with her furniture pieces.  In numerous installations and objects, she has demonstrated how colours and colour combinations and their use on specific materials, surfaces and shapes can lead to spectacular results. Knowing the effect that colour has as well as the cultural meanings of colours, is a foundation that is just as important to her as being familiar with production techniques and materials.